Monday, August 13, 2012

What about me, your customer, already?

It must be said that there are a lot of things that get my goat. But floating somewhere near the top is the practice of "discounting" for new customers. Pay TV is a prime culprit of this, offering a month's free viewing and free installation. I can understand the business case, but as a consumer I sit on my sofa staring at the TV in annoyance thinking, "what about me?". Here I am, your loyal customer, paying you month in and month out, and there you go rewarding the newbies. Credit cards are another culprit. Just recently I was shopping around for a new card, my decision making entirely dependent on rewards. I was offered thousands of rewards points for switching to other cards - the equivalent of a free domestic flight. Its tempting. Its nice, when you are new. But what about next year? Then I'll be last years news. I suppose there is a level of arrogance, especially in things like banks, where it is time consuming and annoying to switch and people are unlikely to bother. Or with pay TV, where you might fall into the trap of thinking (erroneously) that people don't have other options. This sort of thinking only leads people to go out and find other options. But wouldn't it be more profitable to build loyalty and commitment from those people you've already switched into your brand? Its expensive continually recruiting new customers. And if you annoy them enough that they leave you, you've just got to go out and find new customers to replace them -an endless cycle. Happy customers, surely, are more valuable? Not only do you save on recruiting costs year in and year out, they can also do a lot of newbie recruiting for you. Especially in this day and age. How about giving away some of those points to reward customers who are profitable for you? How about rewarding customers who encourage friends to switch into your brand? How about making your existing customers feel loved? Focusing on retention - maybe that's a good recruitment strategy, after all?

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